🎤 Prevention FIRST (Mic drop!)

Hi Reader,

Prevention first...it is a very overlooked and yet super powerful concept.

One of the things that comes up so often in conversations with my clients, is that our society as a whole does not typically promote prevention and creating healthy lifestyle habits.

We are taught to value “busyness,” as if it’s a badge of honor to be burnt out, and you're "lazy" if you aren't busy enough.

We are given promises of solutions in the form of pills to manage almost every chronic disease under the sun, though they don't always work, and if they do, they usually come with a host of side effects, and then we are given even more pills.

When we walk into a store, we’re inundated with hundreds of products—from sugar filled cereals to toxin-filled cleaning products—all things we really shouldn’t be putting in or near our bodies.

And don't get me started on TV commercials...please just put it on mute (old school lol!).

In today's world, a burger and fries are cheap and easy to grab for a meal, especially when there's a drive-thru on every corner.

These are just a few examples of ways that our system falls short in terms of valuing health—it's focused on managing symptoms and not on the prevention in the FIRST place.

But wait!!!

What if we decided to start taking steps to prevent symptoms before they had time to take up residence in our bodies?

What if we:

  • Cooked more at home where we can control our ingredients?
  • Moved our bodies at a good pace for 30 minutes every day?
  • Chose cleaning products without toxic chemicals to spare our hormones?
  • Put our phones down 2 hours before going to bed to prepare our bodys for a good night's sleep?
  • Focused on reducing our stress to lower our cortisol each and every day?

I'm sure you hear these tips all of the time, but do you implement them?

We are so busy and it is easy to know these things and still put them off until tomorrow!

The good news is, as health coaching and functional medicine grow in popularity, so does the acceptance of healthy changes in our society.

We’re beginning to see major companies offer ways to combat stress such as reimbursing gym memberships or health coach consultations (my husband just asked if I wanted a call with their health coach, they offer them to spouses now as well!).

We’re seeing more and more organic products on the market.

Practices like yoga, acupuncture, meditation, and mindfulness are becoming mainstream, which means that people are finding new ways to combat the stressors we inevitably face.

The first step to changing whatever it might be that you want to change, is to start taking action in that direction.

If you are ready for the next step, but not exactly sure which direction to take, reach out and I will help you get started in a customized way just for you!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Christa Lyons, FDN-P, HHC ​
​Functional Health Practitioner

Phone 617-281-7271 Website ahealthyoption.com​

Email christa@ahealthyoption.com​

Download my free tips: "The Top 5 Ways to Banish Belly Bloat"​

Christa Lyons

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